It can be easy to underestimate a white collar crime charge, but the Palmdale court system treats these charges very seriously. You could end up facing incredibly high fines or time spent in prison if you are convicted of a white collar crime such as embezzlement or fraud.
Dealing with a white collar crime charge can be complicated. One wrong move could damage your case and threaten your future. Get professional assistance on your side right away by working with a white collar crime lawyer from the Palmdale area. The Simmrin Law Group can help you build a case so you’re ready for court.
Defend Yourself with a White Collar Crime Lawyer
White collar crime is used as an umbrella term to refer to several acts that have been criminalized in the state of California, including:
- Fraud
- Embezzlement
- Probation Violation
Palmdale can treat a white collar crime as a misdemeanor or a felony in the court system. Felonies generally come with more severe repercussions, but a conviction of any type of white collar crme can impact your life for years to come. Take steps to strengthen your defense by working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Palmdale.
For a free legal consultation with a white collar crime lawyer serving Palmdale, call (310) 896-2723
Fraud as a White Collar Crime
Fraud occurs when someone uses false means to get money from an individual or organization. There are many different categories of fraud, all of which are handled differently by the Palmdale court system:
Insurance Fraud
You could face a number of different fraud charges in the state of California that involve defrauding an insurance agency. Common charges include:
- Health Care Fraud. You may face health care fraud charges if you submitted a false claim for payment to a company that offered health insurance.
- Medi-Cal Fraud. Individuals who defraud the Medi-Cal insurance program offered by the state of California can face charges for Medi-Cal fraud.
- Workers Comp Fraud. Workers comp is a system that provides payments to workers who are hurt on the job. You can be charged with workers comp fraud for trying to abuse this system.
- Unemployment Insurance Fraud. The government offers unemployment insurance to individuals who lose their jobs. Attempts to abuse this insurance can lead to unemployment insurance fraud charges.
- Auto Insurance Fraud. You may be charged for auto insurance fraud if you attempt to use false pretenses to get money from a car insurance policy.
Mortgage Fraud
Individuals engage in mortgage fraud by creating false appraisals or using false or misleading information in a mortgage application. False loan modification promises can also result in a mortgage fraud charge.
Fraud charges may be treated as misdemeanors or felonies by the court system. Depending on the charge you are facing, you could be forced to pay fines of $150,000 or sentenced to jail time if convicted of fraud.
Palmdale White Collar Crime Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Palmdale’s Embezzlement Charges
Embezzlement occurs when someone is entrusted with the money or property of another individual and uses it in a fraudulent way. Palmdale utilizes different criminal charges to address embezzlement in the court system:
Petty Theft
You can be charged with petty theft if you embezzle no more than $950. Petty theft will be seen as a misdemeanor by the courts, leading to up to $1,000 in fines and 6 months in jail.
Grand Theft
A grand theft charge is used for the embezzlement of more than $950. You could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony for grand theft. Depending on the charges, you could end up paying $10,000 in fines and spending up to 3 years in jail.
You don’t have to face charges of embezzlement on your own. Work with a white collar crime lawyer who has as history of courtroom success to improve your defense and protect your future.
Click to contact our Palmdale Criminal Defense Lawyers today
Probation Violations in California
You may be subject to probation if you were previously convicted of a criminal act in Palmdale. The terms of your probation will require you to adhere to certain rules. If you break any of the rules that govern your probation, you can end up facing new charges.
A conviction for a probation violation can lead to severe penalties. You could be forced to deal with stricter terms or your probationary period could be extended. The court could also decide to send you to jail or prison, instead of allowing you to remain on probation.
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Focus on Your Defense with a White Collar Crime Lawyer
A conviction for a white collar crime can change the course of your life. Get help defending yourself from harsh legal penalties by contacting a white collar crime lawyer today. You can count on the Simmrin Law Group to provide you with excellent legal advice and experienced care. Take advantage of our understanding of California’s court system to build your case.
You can get started right away by contacting our lawyers for a FREE consultation. Fill out the form on the right or call (310) 896-2723 to find out how we can help.
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