Our Los Angeles drug crime lawyers at Simmrin Law Group can help with a number of different drug charges and alleged offenses. If you are dealing with any criminal matter, it is always best to contact a knowledgeable lawyer.
An experienced attorney can use their expertise to negotiate with prosecutors, protect clients’ rights, gather and preserve evidence, and work to bring about the best possible outcome at trial. We’re merely a phone call away. Our Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer offers clients a free consultation for all drug-related criminal charges.
Marijuana Charges in Los Angeles
Though California has made headway in the decriminalization of marijuana, there are still several ways in which people may find themselves at odds with the law. We can help you with:
- Concentrated cannabis: California law requires a person to be 21 to possess concentrates, and even then only up to four grams at a time.
- Marijuana cultivation: For people over the age of 21, growing up to six marijuana plants is now legal. More than six will result in a marijuana cultivation charge.
- Intent to sell: While it is now legal to buy and sell marijuana throughout the state of California, there are restrictions. Selling without a license is illegal and can result in serious penalties.
Marijuana charges can be very serious despite the recent decriminalization trend. The penalties associated with offenses can still be devastating. Many marijuana-related drug crimes carry a minimum sentence of six months in jail and a $500 fine. Meanwhile, more serious crimes can result in fines of thousands of dollars and years in state prison.
Our drug crimes lawyers in Los Angeles are always available to help mitigate the penalties faced by alleged offenders.
For a free legal consultation with a drug crimes lawyer serving Los Angeles, call (310) 896-2723
Drug Possession Charges in Los Angeles
Many drug crimes are focused on the issue of possession. The severity of these offenses can vary based upon the nature of the drug and the intent of the alleged offender. But what exactly does “possession” mean?
Possessing a drug has a strict legal definition that lays out the criteria that must be proven by the prosecution for a charge to stick. For example, being in the presence of drugs does not automatically qualify as possession. Instead, the drugs must be on your person or under your control.
Of course, having a valid prescription for drugs may be an adequate reason to possess them. An experienced lawyer can help craft a defense that shows your legal justification for possessing controlled substances or pokes holes in the prosecution’s case against you.
According to the California Health and Safety Code §11550, being under the influence of a controlled substance that isn’t lawfully prescribed is a serious offense.
Los Angeles Drug Crimes Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
What Are the Categories of Drugs?
Drug possession charges often depend on the identity of the substance in question. Drugs are not always considered equal in the eyes of the law. With the passage of Proposition 64, new California regulations are now in place specifically covering marijuana charges.
Types of drugs that are still heavily restricted include:
- Hallucinogens, such as mushrooms, peyote, and PCP
- Steroids like ketamine or testosterone
- Depressants, including barbiturates and Xanax
- Opiates, such as heroin, codeine, or hydrocodone (Vicodin)
- Stimulants like MDMA (ecstasy) and methamphetamine
If convicted of a drug possession charge, a person can face up to a year in jail, as well as fines of up to $1,000. However, much more serious penalties come into play when the prosecution alleges that the person possessed illegal substances with the intent of selling them.
By hiring a Los Angeles drug crimes lawyer, you will put yourself in the best possible position to beat these charges and avoid incarceration.
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Defining ‘the Intent to Sell Drugs’ in California
The law takes the sale of illegal drugs very seriously. California punishes possession with intent to sell more harshly than simple possession. In theory, this is designed to stop drug problems at their roots: the sellers. However, sometimes innocent people get caught in the crossfire. Our L.A. drug crimes lawyers at the Simmrin Law Group can help.
Though having large quantities of drugs can be a sign of intent to sell, you can be charged with intent to sell even if you only had one dose of a substance in your possession. Law enforcement may cite other signs as the reason for charging you with the intent to sell, including:
- Tools (i.e. scales) used to prepare the drug for sale
- High amounts of traffic in your personal home or office
- Eyewitness testimony
If convicted of possessing illegal drugs with the intent of selling them, a person can face several years in state prison as well as up to $20,000 in fines.
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What Is Drug Trafficking?
The harshest drug-related penalties are reserved for people convicted of drug trafficking. Drug trafficking laws were enacted to combat high-level criminal organizations that often bring illegal substances across state lines.
While charges for intent to sell drugs are typically aimed more at moving drugs within a community, drug trafficking tends to focus on the mass transportation of drugs from one place to others. Many drugs only enter communities through illegal trafficking from another location, often outside the country.
The penalties for drug trafficking can range from five years to the rest of your life in prison, and fines can range from $2 million to $8 million. With such heavy penalties on the line, it is important to contact our experienced Los Angeles federal crimes lawyers for these matters.
Issues Concerning Drug Paraphernalia in California
The specifics of the laws surrounding the possession of drug paraphernalia are complex and are often in flux. This is one of the reasons that it is important to contact a skilled lawyer who can help decode the complicated legal jargon and demystify what is and is not considered drug paraphernalia.
A simplified view of the law is that items specifically used for drug consumption, such as a crack pipe, can be considered illegal paraphernalia. However, in an effort to promote safety, California has made some exceptions. We can help clients avoid the six-month jail time and $1,000 fine for convictions in many but not all scenarios.
Defending Against a Drug Crimes Charge in Los Angeles
There are many common defenses that can be used when fighting a drug crimes charge. The specific arguments that your lawyer chooses to make on your behalf will depend on the crime for which you are accused and the particulars of your case.
Some often used defenses in a wide variety of drug crimes cases include:
- Mistaken identity
- Unlawful search and seizure
- No knowledge of the presence of drugs
Talk to a Los Angeles drug crimes attorney to discuss the best approach to taking in your case.
Can I Plea Bargain to Reduce a Drug Crimes Charge?
In many drug crime cases, defendants are offered a plea bargain by the prosecution. When faced with some of the steep penalties that come with drug crime convictions, the deal may feel like a liferaft. While accepting a plea deal may indeed be in your best interest, you should never do so without first consulting with your lawyer.
Without a legal background, you could find yourself accepting a deal you don’t fully understand with consequences you don’t understand. The first plea deal offered to you is likely not going to be too favorable, and despite what the prosecution may claim, it is unlikely to be the best deal that you can get. Your attorney can help negotiate an offer that makes more sense for you.
If your defense is strong or the prosecution is unwilling to agree to a deal that works for you, your attorney can fight to avoid any penalties by winning your case in court.
Contacting the Simmrin Law Group
The Simmrin Law Group is well-versed in defending clients against drug crimes charges. Our Los Angeles drug crimes lawyers are standing by to offer you a free initial consultation to discuss your case and your options going forward.
Since drug-related offenses can carry life-altering punishments, do not hesitate to bring our experienced and knowledgeable drug crimes attorneys into the fold. You can get in touch by using our online contact form or by calling right now.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form