Individuals can be convicted of counterfeiting if they create a false replicate of something. You may think automatically of people who counterfeit handbags or pieces of art. People can also counterfeit money and other important documents.
Counterfeiting is a serious crime in the Long Beach area. Some forms of counterfeiting are even handled in the federal court system. You can get help handling state or federal charges for counterfeiting by contacting the Simmrin Law Group now.
Our team of counterfeiting lawyers in Long Beach knows what it takes to beat counterfeiting charges. You can get immediate help building a solid defense by calling us today.
Federal Charges for Counterfeiting in Long Beach
The federal court system does not handle all counterfeiting charges in the Long Beach area. Instead, you should only face federal charges if you are accused of counterfeiting:
- Government Documents
- Legal Documents
- Military Documents
For more specific examples, you can be charged with counterfeiting if you create false copies of:
- Securities
- Currencies
- Ship’s Papers
- Letters Patents
- Postage Stamps
Note that you may face additional charges if you are found with the tools used to counterfeit documents. You may also be charged with a federal crime for interacting with counterfeited materials by transferring, buying, selling, or trading these documents.
You can get help defending yourself from these charges by reaching out to a professional federal crimes lawyer in Long Beach.
For a free legal consultation with a counterfeiting lawyer serving Long Beach, call (310) 896-2723
State Charges for Counterfeiting in Long Beach
Some acts of counterfeiting fall beneath the notice of the federal court system. The state court of California can prosecute these cases. You can be charged in state court for counterfeiting many different items, including:
- A California Driver’s License or Identification Card
- The California State Seal
- Gold Dust, Bullion, Bars, Lumps, or Nuggets
- Railroad Tickets or Checks
- Tickets for Public Transportation Systems
The state court system generally punishes counterfeiting less severely than the federal system, but you can still face harsh penalties. Learn more about properly handling a state counterfeiting charge by contacting our criminal defense lawyers in Long Beach today.
Long Beach Counterfeiting Lawyer Near Me (310) 896-2723
Penalties for a Counterfeiting Conviction
You can face a wide range of penalties if you are convicted of counterfeiting. The exact nature of the penalties varies depending on the court system that handles your case.
Federal Penalties for Counterfeiting
The federal court can deal very harshly with individual accused of counterfeiting. However, the severity of the punishments depends on the items you are accused of counterfeiting. For example, individuals who counterfeit ship’s papers might only receive 3 years in federal prison.
However, if you are convicted of counterfeiting money or securities, you could face:
- Prison Time: Up to 25 Years
- Fines: Up to $250,000
Let our team of counterfeiting lawyers go over the exact nature of your charges if you are accused of any type of federal counterfeiting.
State Penalties for Counterfeiting
You will generally face less severe penalties if you are convicted of counterfeiting in state court. Most convictions for counterfeiting in the state court system lead to:
- Jail Time: Up to 4 Years
- Fines: Up to $1,000
Here at the Simmrin Law Group, we believe that you should get professional representation if you are facing state or federal charges for counterfeiting.
Click to contact our Long Beach Criminal Defense Lawyers today
We Know How to Handle Counterfeiting Charges
You can end up facing a serious legal battle if you are accused of counterfeiting in Long Beach. You will have the best chances of beating these charges if you get professional help immediately. A counterfeiting lawyer may be able to build your defense by showing:
You Did Not Intend to Engage in Counterfeiting
Individuals must generally intend to fraudulently use counterfeited materials to be convicted. This means you should not be convicted if you use counterfeit materials without knowing they were fakes.
Your Rights Were Violated by Police Officers
Police officers can be overzealous in the completion of their duties. If you were the victim of an illegal search and seizure then the evidence brought against you could be blocked.
It takes time to build a strong counterfeiting defense. Reach out to us today so we can start digging into your case and protecting you.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Contact a Long Beach Counterfeiting Lawyer Today
Both state and federal counterfeiting charges can be hard to beat on your own. You can get professional help right away by contacting the Simmrin Law Group. Our team of counterfeiting lawyers in Long Beach can get to work on your defense immediately. Call us at (310) 896-2723 or fill out our online contact form to find out how we can help you.
Take charge of your future by contacting us for a FREE consultation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form