Will you go to jail for your third DUI (driving under the influence) conviction? You face a minimum period of jail time after a third DUI conviction in California. This means that, if you are convicted, you are likely to spend time behind bars.
Find out more about the effects of a third DUI conviction right here. Go over the penalties for DUIs in California. Focus on your options to handle a defense for a third DUI.
Minimum and Maximum Jail Time for a Third DUI
Let’s discuss the amount of time you could spend in jail for a third DUI in California. Before we begin, we must specify the type of DUI we are discussing. We are currently focusing on misdemeanor DUIs. You may also hear misdemeanor DUIs called “simple” DUIs. A third conviction for a simple DUI could lead to:
- A minimum of 120 days in jail.
- A maximum of one year in jail.
However, these numbers are not set in stone. Some counties in California require drivers to spend additional time in jail. These are only the recommendations for jail time used on a state-wide basis. If accused of a more serious DUI, you may also face extra time behind bars
You could have time added to your sentence if you were involved in a DUI accident. You could even face prison time if someone is hurt or killed in a DUI in California.
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Additional Penalties for a Third DUI in California
Jail time is not the only penalty for a third DUI conviction in California. You may also expect to face:
- Fines for thousands of dollars.
- DUI school for up to 30 months.
- Use of an ignition interlock device (IID) for two years.
California recently adopted an IID program for DUI drivers throughout the state. An IID allows you to avoid the suspension of your driver’s license following a DUI conviction. You may continue to operate your vehicle if you install an IID.
An IID checks your blood alcohol content (BAC) each time you try to start your vehicle. The IID prevents your vehicle from starting if you have an elevated BAC — this may help you avoid additional convictions for a DUI in California. You are not legally allowed to operate a vehicle without an IID after a third DUI conviction.
Consider the Severity of a Third DUI Charge
You may notice that the penalties for a third DUI are higher than those you faced for your first or second DUIs — this is because all DUIs in California are “priorable” offenses. A priorable offense remains on your record for a period of time. Each time you are convicted of a similar charge, the priorable offense counts against you.
DUIs remain on your driving record for ten years. Each subsequent DUI within 10 years leads to harsher consequences. In fact, a third DUI may be relatively minor compared to a fourth DUI. The court may prosecute a fourth DUI as a felony. A felony conviction may lead to time in prison.
Get help understanding the severity of a DUI charge by contacting a lawyer. Reach out to a law firm now.
Focus on a Defense for a Third DUI Charge
You don’t have to just accept a third DUI conviction in California. You may get legal help on your side. Depending upon your situation, a lawyer could take steps to:
- Have your charges dismissed.
- Get your charges reduced.
- Resolve your case in court.
Your lawyer may investigate the facts surrounding your arrest. A lawyer may also monitor police officers as they handle your case. Your lawyer focuses on ensuring that your rights are respected after a DUI arrest. Make sure you contact a lawyer before you discuss your charges with a police officer or the prosecution.
Working with a lawyer could help you avoid a conviction for a third DUI. Your lawyer may help you secure a plea bargain. A lawyer could also work to defend you in court.
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You Could Face Jail Time for a Third DUI in California
Jail time is possible if you are convicted of a third DUI in California. You may work to avoid time behind bars by contacting a DUI lawyer right now. Reach out to the team at the Simmrin Law Group for help. We are prepared to provide you with a free consultation. Allow us to discuss the specific nature of your charges right now.
Reach out to us by completing our online contact form. We are here for you right now.
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