A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) can lead to a number of serious consequences. Some drivers consider moving to another state to avoid these penalties. For example, you could be wondering if you could get a driver’s license in California after getting a DUI that led to a license suspension in another state.
In many cases, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will not issue you a license in this situation. Find out why you may be refused a new license with this article. You can also work with the Simmrin Law Group to review your legal options for protecting your driving privileges.
DUI Charges and the Driver License Compact (DLC)
In today’s interconnected world, different states share information freely. This includes information related to your driving history. California is part of the Driver License Compact (DLC) program. California’s DMV can access the DLC to see your driving history if you apply for a California driver’s license.
Note that there are a few states that do not share information through the DLC. Your information may not be shared as easily if your license was suspended in:
- Georgia
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Tennessee
- Wisconsin
However, the DMV may still request that the above states forward your driving history. Information about your driving history and past DUIs will likely be assessed before you are issued a new license in California.
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Denial of a Driver’s License in California
Once the DMV has assessed your previous driving record, a decision can be made about whether you will be given a license or not. Generally, the state of California will not issue you a driver’s license if:
- Your home state suspended your driver’s license
- You committed a DUI offense that would lead to a license suspension in California
You may be denied a driver’s license in the state of California if both of these conditions hold true.
California’s DUI Laws and Those Used in Other States
You may not be able to dispute the suspension of your driver’s license in another state when trying to get a California driver’s license. However, a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles may be able to help you secure a license by showing that you committed an offense that would not have led to a license suspension in California.
For example, the state of California generally assesses a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) when handing down DUI charges. Drivers may avoid a DUI conviction if their BAC is:
- Under 0.08% if they are over 21
- Under 0.04% if they are commercial drivers
- Under 0.01% if they are under 21
If you were convicted of a DUI on grounds that would not apply in the state of California, you could be able to secure a driver’s license in our state.
Moving Out of California Following a DUI
Note that a DUI conviction in California will also follow you if you move to a different state. The DMV in your new residence can assess your driving records in California to determine whether or not you should be issued a new driver’s license.
The state of California can suspend your license for a lengthy period of time following a conviction. Depending upon your situation, your license could be suspended for:
- Up to one year for a first offense
- Up to two years for a second offense
- Up to three years for a third offense
You will have a difficult time securing a new license by moving to a new state following a California DUI conviction. Sometimes people are unaware of a driver’s license suspension. So, how do you find out if your license has been suspended in California? The easiest way is to contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles and request a copy of your driver record.
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Get Help with DUI Charges Today
Securing professional help from a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles represents the best way to protect your driving privileges following an arrest. Getting the assistance you need quickly can improve your odds of successfully resolving DUI charges in and out of the state of California.
A criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles can assess your previous driving record. A lawyer could be able to demonstrate that you were convicted on charges that do not match up to California’s DUI laws. Your lawyer can also help you handle DUI charges issued in California.
Speak to a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer Now
Start working to secure a driver’s license in California by working with the team at the Simmrin Law Group right now. Let us go over your specific legal situation today. Just call (310) 896-2723 or complete our online contact form. Our team is standing by to offer you the legal support you need following a DUI arrest or license suspension.
You can easily speak with our DUI lawyers in Los Angeles to get a FREE consultation.
Call or text (310) 896-2723 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form