The difference between pimping and pandering crimes is that pimping relates to the collection of money earned by a prostitute, while pandering refers to someone who persuades another to become or continue working as a prostitute.
There are other crimes related to these charges as well. If you get charged with any crime concerning aiding in prostitution, contact a Los Angeles sex crimes lawyer with extensive experience defending clients against these types of criminal charges.
What Is a Pandering Crime?
Pandering is a crime that’s defined as the act of encouraging another party to begin or continue work as a prostitute. Most often, this charge is handed down when a person is coerced into prostitution activities, often through threats against the individual or their loved ones.
However, even simply talking someone into prostitution by painting it in a positive light can technically be charged as pandering. The methods used to get someone to act as a prostitute are irrelevant. Any way in which one might convince an individual to prostitute oneself is a form of pandering.
Pandering is prosecuted under PC §266(i). Pandering is always processed as a felony crime. It can also result in up to six years in prison with additional penalties if the person the defendant is accused of pandering to is a minor.
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What Is Pimping?
Pimping is the act of receiving financial income for assisting in the prostitution of another. Pimping can be charged for several services, including running a brothel, house of prostitution, or providing protection for a prostitute.
Pimping is prosecuted under California Penal Code (PC) §266(h). A pimping offense will always result in a felony charge. The possible consequences for a conviction include up to six years in prison.
If the person the defendant is accused of pimping is a minor under the age of 18, prison time can be extended to eight years. In this situation, the defendant would also be required to register as a sex offender for life.
Is It Possible to Be Charged With Both Pimping and Pandering?
Individuals who face pandering charges often face charges for pimping as well. However, it is possible to be charged only with pandering if a defendant convinced someone to prostitute themselves but then did not profit from the prostitution.
Receiving a pimping charge without a pandering charge is also possible when a pimp is not the one to talk the person into prostitution. Regardless of your charges, it is important to seek help from an experienced attorney to protect your rights.
Penalties for Supervising or Aiding a Prostitute in California
Anyone who plays a part in the prostitution process, aside from the prostitute, can be charged under PC §653.23: Supervising or Aiding a Prostitute. This charge is a misdemeanor. Potential penalties include:
- Up to six months in jail
- Up to $1,000 in fines
- Summary probation
This charge can always be filed in addition to a pimping or pandering charge. It can also be used as part of a plea agreement.
Under certain circumstances, a person could be guilty of supervising or aiding a prostitute without being guilty of either charge. However, this would be extremely rare. It would require a person to assist a prostitute in carrying out their illegal activity without receiving any financial gain.
Collateral Consequences of a Pimping or Pandering Charge in California
Convictions for these crimes can not only result in criminal penalties but collateral consequences as well. Your entire life could be changed if you are found guilty of any type of sex crime.
Some of the common types of fallout reported by convicted felons include:
- Issues finding or retaining affordable housing due to rental policies against felons
- Difficulty obtaining gainful employment with a criminal history
- Trouble maintaining employment if conviction is discovered
- Being passed over for career opportunities and promotions
- Being required to register as a sex offender for related crimes
- Housing location restrictions preventing living near schools/parks
- Court-ordered mental health counseling or group therapy
- Immigration troubles like visa denials or potential deportation
- Loss of the right to bear arms and own firearms
Pimping and pandering charges can lead to even more serious charges of human trafficking in some cases. With penalties this harsh, it is essential that you seek legal counsel from a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer.
Pimping and pandering charges are extremely serious offenses that can derail your life and future prospects. These accusations have harsh criminal penalties, as well as devastating collateral consequences that can linger indefinitely.
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Contact a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Law Firm for a Free Consultation
At Simmrin Law Group, our legal team has defended several clients against these charges. We have a proven track record of getting favorable results. Our criminal defense attorneys know how prosecutors handle these charges and what it takes to fight back.
Given what’s at stake, you need the backing of a relentless Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer. Our experienced attorneys provide aggressive representation to help you avoid a conviction and move forward. We safeguard your rights at every stage.
Fill out our online contact form or give us a call today to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation. One of our sex crime defense attorneys will review your case, answer all your questions, and advise you of your legal options.
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