Xanax is a prescription medication that many people in California rely on if they need treatment for anxiety disorders or panic attacks. However, Xanax can also affect a user’s brain and nervous system, which can make it dangerous to take while driving.
You could even be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) if you operate a vehicle after taking Xanax. Find out if you can get out of the DUI if you have a prescription for Xanax here with the Simmrin Law Group. Call (310) 896-2723 to review more facts a Xanax DUIs in California.
Facts About a Xanax Prescription in California
You are only legally allowed to use Xanax (also called alprazolam) in California if you have a prescription issued by a medical professional. Xanax is often prescribed to treat:
- Anxiety disorders
- Anxiety caused by depression
- Panic attacks
Individuals can be charged with drug possession if they have Xanax without a prescription, so it is very important to only use this medication when ordered to do so by a doctor. However, even with a prescription, drivers are not allowed to operate a vehicle after taking Xanax.
You can be charged with a DUI if you take Xanax and get behind the wheel. A prescription will not help you get out a DUI, though it can help you avoid charges for drug possession in California court.
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Reasons Xanax Use Leads to DUI Charges in California
Some drivers are unsure why they can be charged with a DUI after using Xanax. While Xanax is generally used to keep an individual calm, it can have a number of effects on a user’s central nervous system. Drivers who take Xanax may:
- Have a slower reaction time than other drivers
- Experience impaired judgment while taking the medication
For the above reasons, you can be charged with a DUI if you drive after taking Xanax. Note that you can face the same charges if you take other medications like Xanax. Ativan and Valium are both examples of drugs that can lead to DUI charges in California.
You can get legal help fast if you are accused of a Xanax DUI. Reach out to a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles immediately to get the assistance you need. Focus on your defense now by calling (310) 896-2723.
Legal Outcomes for a Xanax DUI Conviction
Drivers accused of driving under the influence of Xanax can be charged with a DUID. DUID charges are prosecuted under California Vehicle Code Section 23152(f). If you are convicted of a first-time conviction for a Xanax DUI, you could be:
- Fined for thousands of dollars
- Sent to jail for up to six months
- Forced to attend up to nine months of DUI school
Your driver’s license can also be suspended for up to 10 months if you are convicted of a DUID in California. You may be able to convert the suspension to a license restriction in some circumstances.
You should also be aware that a second DUID conviction in California will be punished more harshly. Every DUI conviction you receive will be considered priorable. These convictions count against you if you are arrested for a subsequent DUI.
Defenses to a Xanax DUI in California
A prescription for Xanax cannot get you out of a DUI charge in the state of California. Instead, your lawyer will need to investigate your case and build a defense based on other facts. Your lawyer may work to show that:
- You were not impaired by Xanax
- The Xanax had worn off by the time you drove your vehicle
- You were stopped for a DUI without reasonable cause
Building a defense quickly is important in DUID cases. The professionals at the Simmrin Law Group can begin assessing your needs right away. Contact us quickly so we can begin working on all aspects of your Xanax DUI case. Our team of DUI lawyers can work to get your charges dismissed in some situations. We also know what it takes to get Xanax DUI charges reduced to an acceptable level in California.
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Speak to a Lawyer if You Are Arrested for a Xanax DUI
It is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of Xanax in California. You cannot get out of a DUI if you have a prescription for Xanax. Find out how you can deal with Xanax DUI charges by contacting the Simmrin Law Group today. Speak to us now to get a FREE consultation.
Call (310) 896-2723 or fill out our online contact form to reach our DUI lawyers in Los Angeles.
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